I trend in calo dell' epidemia stanno spingendo dall'obbligatorietà alla raccomandazione e al consiglio di indossarlaLe disposizioni per regioni sono molto variegate:Per Lombardia e in Toscana le mascherine saranno obbligatorie fino al 30 giugno, in piemonte si parla di 14 luglio. a trento l'obbligo decade il 15 giugno, L' Emilia Romagna e la maggior parte delle regioni del mezzogiorno dispongono di toglierla all'aperto solo se è possibile il rispetto del distanziamento sociale. In liguria resta obbligatoria per tutta l'estate eccetto se si è da soli all'aperto, mentre in veneto si è liberi dal 1 giugno. In Campania stop all'obbligatorietà dal 22 giugno
Here are the guidelines for how you will return to class in September- Mask from 6 years up with a distance of one meter in class and in corridor- Ingresses staggered to avoid assemblies and opening hours away from peak hour- Wash your hands at the entrance, daily cleaning and always open bathroom windows- Supply of meal in lunch box- For secondary schools of I and II grade, distance learning on shift- Physical activity should be done outside or 2 metres apart- In childhood school only teachers will wear gloves, masks and visor
Till now the Oms has maintained the "false sense of certainty" I date from putting the half mask on.The last studies on the broadcasting of the virus have led the oms to see a little the positions again and to invite the population to put the half mask on to bound the diffusion of the coronavirus even if at sun they are not enough.Then not only who he is is sliced by me or the one who assists infected persons, the half mask is carried in public places where it will be difficult to maintain the distance of certainty as transport, businesses and closed and crowded environmentsThe appeal is turned also to the one who assists the over 60 and...
The virus resists on the surfaces, including the masks!The higher Institute of Health states that :
- the inside of the mask: 4 days- To the outside of the mask: 7 days- In the printed paper: 30 minutes- In the fabric and in the wood: day 1- In the banknotes: 2 days- In the glass: 2 days- In plastic and steel: 4 days
The virus resists better in low temperatures and in humidity conditions,
it is good practice to disinfect the surfaces, and throw the disposable face masks after l 'use in the mixed waste by taking it from the elastic