In order to organize the redeparture, the hunt for antibodies that DO NOT REPLACE TAMPONS that indicate whether the person is infected and contagious
I TEST SIEROLOGICAL investigates from the blood traces of quindo antibodies if we came into contact with the virus.
There are 2 types:
1) IgM (Immunoglobulin M) is manifested within 7 days of the onset of symptoms and allows to confirm the diagnosis of infection with precision
2) IgG (Immunoglobulin G), products after 14 days and that we have a memory of infection
There are 3 types of tests :
2 laboratory quantities and 1 quality defined fast less reliable
But what is a license of immunity?
It is not enough to develop the antibodies, you need to understand how long they will protect us.
From studies of coronaviruses, it is assumed that immunity should last 1 or 2 years. To give the "passport of immunity" will serve 3 tests